SEO Packages

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SEO Packages

Rise with proven SEO packages. We produce permanent and effective solutions for your projects to rank at the top of Google.

SEO Packages Article Backlink Packages Corporate SEO
%40 Effective SEO Package

One Time


2 Keyword Selection
3 Blogspot Promotional Articles
2 Wordpress Promotional Articles
1 Forum Introduction
1 Pdf Backlink
2 Tumblr Backlinks
2 Pinterest Backlinks
2 Whois Backlinks
2 Diigo Backlinks
2 Quora Backlinks
1 Mix Backlink
2 Use of Images
Label Usages
Report Delivery Within 7 Days
Detailed and Comprehensible Reporting
Work over time
100% manual and Organic SEO
Add to Cart
%60 Effective SEO Package

One Time


2 Keyword Selection
5 Blogspot Promotional Articles
4 Wordpress Promotional Articles
2 Forum Promotions
2 PDF Backlinks
3 Tumblr Backlinks
3 Pinterest Backlinks
3 Whois Backlinks
3 Diigo Backlinks
3 Quora Backlinks
2 Mix Backlinks
2 Use of Images
Label Usages
Report Delivery Within 7 Days
Detailed and Comprehensible Reporting
Work over time
100% manual and Organic SEO
Add to Cart
%70 Effective SEO Package

One Time


3 Keyword Selection
3 Google News Promotions
2 C CLASS Promotional Letter
10 Blogspot Promotional Articles
7 Wordpress Promotional Articles
4 Forum Promotions
4 Pdf Promotional Letters
5 Tumblr Backlinks
1 Front Blog
1 Linkedin Backlink
5 Pinterest Backlinks
4 DA/PA 80 Backlinks
4 Whois Backlinks
5 Diigo Backlinks
5 Mixed Backlinks
5 Quora Backlinks
5 Visual Usage
Label Usages
Report Delivery Within 20 Days
Detailed and Comprehensible Reporting
Work over time
100% manual and Organic SEO
Add to Cart
%80 Effective SEO Package

One Time


5 Keyword Selection
3 Google News Promotions National
3 Google News Promotion Local
3 CLASS C Promotional Letters
15 Blogspot Promotional Articles
10 Wordpress Promotional Articles
1 Medium Promotional Article
7 Forum Promotions
6 Pdf Introductory Letters
7 Tumblr Backlinks
6 Whois Backlinks
2 Pre-Blog
1 Linkedin Backlink
6 DA/PA 80+ Back Link
7 Pinterest Backlinks
7 Diigo Backlinks
7 Mixed Backlinks
7 Quora Backlinks
7 Uses of Images
Label Usages
Report Delivery Within 30 Days
Detailed and Comprehensive Reporting
working overtime
100% manual and Organic SEO
Add to Cart
%90 Effective SEO Package

One Time


7 Anahtar Kelime Seçimi
Semrush Raporlama
5 Adet Google News Tanıtım Ulusal
5 Adet Google News Tanıtım Yerel
3 Adet C CLASS Tanıtım Yazısı
1 Adet Medium Tanıtım Yazısı
20 Adet Blogspot Tanıtım Yazısı
15 Adet Wordpress Tanıtım Yazısı
10 Adet Forum Tanıtım
8 Adet PDF Backlink
10 Adet DA/PA 80+ Backlink
10 Adet Tumblr Backlink
8 Adet Whois Backlink
4 Adet Paravan Blog
2 Adet Linkedin Backlink
10 Adet Pinterest Backlink
10 Adet Diigo Backlink
10 Adet Mix Backlink
10 Adet Quora Backlink
10 Görsel Kullanımı
Etiket Kullanımları
30 Gün İçerisinde Rapor Teslimi
Detaylı ve Anlaşılır Raporlama
Zamana Yayılan Çalışma
%100 manuel ve Organik Seo
Add to Cart
%99 Effective SEO Package

One Time


10 Keyword Selection
Competition Analysis
Broken Link Check
Semrush Full Reporting
10 Google News Promotions National
5 Google News Promotion Local
5 C CLASS Promotional Letters
2 Medium Promotional Articles
30 Blogspot Promotional Articles
25 Wordpress Promotional Articles
16 Forum Promotions
10 PDF Backlinks
20 Tumblr Backlinks
15 Whois Backlinks
5 Front Blogs
15 DA/PA 80+ Backlinks
3 Linkedin Backlinks
15 Pinterest Backlinks
20 Diigo Backlinks
20 Mixed Backlinks
20 Quora Backlinks
10 Use of Visuals
Label Usages
Report Delivery Within 40 Days
Detailed and Comprehensible Reporting
Work over time
100% manual and Organic SEO
Add to Cart

Take Your Website to the Top!

We offer %100 effective work with fast delivery and permanent results for your target words.

Open Your Site to New Users

With the package work to be done, new users will be able to visit your site..

%100 Natural SEO

Hacklink etc. studies cannot be done at all. All studies are aimed at improving the efficiency of your site.

%100 Permanent Service

All of the sites we use in backlink work are up-to-date and we offer a guarantee of permanence .

Frequently Asked Questions

Leave Your Competitors Behind with Ranking Rise

After comprehensive SEO analysis, search engines give links to your website from authoritative websites. Thus, the value of your website increases, it rises in search engines and starts to appear on the first pages depending on the site.

Target Word and Promotion Focused SEO Work

Potential customers looking for the services and products you offer on your website find your website before your competitors and provide more potential customer flow to your website. Your number of visitors and therefore your turnover and earnings increase. Moreover, the effect of the work done is long-term as it will maintain itself in the long term, depending on the competition. You will make a profit.

Detailed Post-Transaction Reporting

Our transactions are prepared completely safely and carefully. We never do any work that will harm your website. We are moving forward with the aim of safely ranking your site to the top with 100% natural methods. You can find the right package for your site or contact us via the support panel for your problems.

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation of the words “Search Engine Optimization” and “Search Engine Optimizer”. When we translate it into Turkish, it means "Search Engine Optimization" and "person who does Search Engine Optimization". Aim; It is to ensure that your website appears at the top of the search results in search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing by using various methods.

When can we see the effect of SEO efforts?

In fact, this varies depending on the status of your site and its potential. If your website is already a frequently visited website, you can immediately see the fruits of our work. In such large websites, even just making on-page SEO edits makes a difference. However, if the word-based increase is the main issue, this period may vary between 1 week and 3 weeks.

Do your SEO efforts involve any risks?

No way. We carry out SEO work in extremely natural ways. Since the user is the focus of all our work and our goals are to improve the quality of the site, we have never experienced any bad results for any of our customers.

How long does it take for our website to reach the first page?

Unfortunately, there is no complete answer to this question, but our studies to date show that; In general, it takes between 3 and 6 months to reach a good position on the first page. Depending on the search volume of the keyword, these times may increase.

Do you have the opportunity to work for our competitors?

Under no circumstances will work be carried out for two different companies from the same industry.

How soon will I be on the first page?

The time it takes to go to the first page varies depending on the keyword and the site you want SEO service for. The success of the Google Optimization efforts we have done so far as Expert Seo has varied between 5 days and 4 months. As Expert Seo, we make a contract with each of our customers stating that if they are not placed on the first page within 6 months, the full fee will be refunded.

Will the sponsor appear in the top and right-hand areas in Google searches?

No, the areas listed as Sponsored Links at the top and right on Google are Google Adwords ads. You can be on the first page by advertising in that area. However, an advertising budget must be constantly allocated for this. SEO consultancy is the promotion of your website to the first page among the organic search results on the left side of Google.
